McPherson Weekly Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

andyestaraay two more were aaaea (iartield and Time Mawkinson ol RHEUMATISM quias is ouying a gooa aeai ot game this winter. Geo. and Ira Fellers will leave tomorrow for Neodosha, Kansas, where THE TERROR OF WINTER A MATTER OF HEALTH Rheumatism is nsnally worse in "Winter because of the cold and dampness and other changed conditions of the climate. The occasional twinge of the disease that are felt during the warmer weather are changed to piercing pains, the muscles become inflamed and the nerves get sore and excited, the bones ache, and Rheumatism, the terror of winter, takes possession of the system. Then the sufferer turns to the liniment bottle, the woolen clothes, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, ia aa effort to get rehel But Rheumatism is not a trouble that can be rubbed away or draw out with a plaster, these things relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation, but do not reach the real cause of the trouble, and at the next exposure an-other attack comes on.

Rheumatism is caused by a sour, acid condition ot the blood. The refuse matter and bodily impurities which should be carried off through the channels of nature have been left in the system because of indigestion, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver and a general sluggish condition of the system. These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the different muscles, joints, nerves and bones; causing the painful symptoms of Rheumatism. S. S.

S. goes to the root of the trouble and cures Rheumatism by cleansing, the blood. It neutralizes the acids and filter them out of the circulation aild sends a stream of the Trains PURELY VEGETABLE. nerv3 are quieted, every symptom of the disease Passes away, and the cure is permanent. S.S.S.

is purely vegetable and does not injure the system as do those medicines coa-taming Potash and other minerals. Book on Rheumatism and medical ad vie without charge. TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA. CJU Absolutely Puro HAS 110 SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phot-phatlc acid OVAL BAKING POWDCR HtW YORK. LOCAL NOTES.

THURSDAY. I hare a few high grade B. P. co*ckerels for sale at 75c each. Mr.

C. L. Wilson, Route 6 A. M. Anderson of Lindsborg was ap yesterday on business.

Women lave a clear, healthy com-lezlon. Pure blood makes it Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Oeo. H. Davit is in the Indian Territory on a Dimness trip.

A good Short Horn bull calf for sale. J. Stockham, just south of the county farm. A. J.

nunc of north of Conway was in towu yesterday on business. dily pain loe its terror if you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil in the house. In-tant relief in cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. Don't experiment with every cough jrupyou see advertised when yon can buy Hubbell's Compound Syrup of Wni Pine and Tar, a remedy that hundridof people in McPberson county say is the best lemedy they ever used for coughs, col.

is and lung troubles. 25c and 50o bottles. i Chas. HNtrom is transacting business in Salina todav. BREATHE HE lUNG BALSAMS.

Iiyomei.The Guaranteed Catarrh Cure, Endorsed by Physicians. No one should confound Hyomei with the patent medicines that are advertised to cure catarrh. It i as superior to them all as the diamond Johnstown were in town Saturday. Want to rent a good farm between now and the first of March. W.

M. Mj era, Windom, Kan. Tae ci'y cihoola ere dismissed Wednesday for the remainder of tha week. Prof, and Mrs. Elvin will spend Thanksgiving with the Professor's parents In Lindsborg.

R. A. Anderson of Walden College will spend Thanksgiving at Hawkin-son's near Johnstown. Pres. Nyvall will entertain the Faculty and students of walden College Friday evening.

MUs Nettie Wickiund, who has been teaching in Rice County returned yesterday to spend Thanksgiving at home. Miss Florence Selven of Osage, City who is attending Bethany college, is spendirg Thanksgiving with Miss Edyth Nelson. Mrs. S. J.

Talbott and son, Clifford, of Waukomis, O. arrived last night for a few days visit with her home folks, I. F. Talbott and family. The McPherson Marble and Granite work yesterday sent in an order for a car load of the best Barre Vermont Granite.

The first car load ol Granite ever shipped into McPherson Co. FRIDAY. E. W. Hulse went to Canton today on business.

J. S. McGill of Canton was in town on business today. r. F.

E. Barber spent Thanksgiving with his family in this city. Mrs. Matson Murray is visiting Mr. Murray's parents at Leavenworth.

Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the skin of any tort instantly re lieved, permanently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. Miss Elna Ponlson of was the guest of Mies Ida Hall yesterday. ''Neglected colds make fat grave yards." Dr.

Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men and women to a happy vigorous old age. Misses Edith and Lyda Modine are quite sick at their home on North Elm Street. Mrs. Geo Smith went to Galva to day, near where she will visit with her sister. Misses Ada and Minnie Friez of Lipscomb, Texas, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Post. Judson Compton went to Gotten-wood Falls today on business for the Yeoman Lodge. Miss Margaret Bridgeman, who is teaching school at Tampa, spent thanksgiving at home. Mrs.

Ira wanders returned this morning from Hutchinson, where she spent several days with her mother. Fearon Hutchinson who is attending business College at Emporia spent Ladies please bring boxes. Hattie Heckethom Teacher. Seventeen new converts, results of the revival meetings st the college, were baptised yesterday. Wednesday evenin five more made confessions 9 9 6 0 uros.

191 for Country Produce to the number. 8ATCBDAT. Dr. and Mrs. Kasey of Windom are in town today.

Indiesiioc, constipation, dyspepsia, kidney and liver disorders, and all stomach troubles positively cared by using Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. 0. H. Hub- bell. Mrs.

W. J. Keyte returned today from a thort visit in Kansas City. It makes no difference how long you have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, liver and kidney troubles, Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. 35 cents.

0. H. Hubbell. Miss Edith Allison, who teaches at HillBboro, Is home on a short visit Girls, if you want red lips, laughing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The greatest beautifler known.

35 cents, Tea or Tablets. 0. H. Hubbell. Mist Garnet Wolfe spent Thanks-giving with her parents in McPherson Oar new line of perfames axe here ine nne8t odors ever brought to this market.

Bert Sweeney and J. M. Nelson went to Kansas City today for a short visit. Yon better throw that old pipe a way and come and see oar new 25c pipes. C.

W. Caudle, who is teaching school at Albert, Kansas, is home on a visit. We are selling those delicious Alle grette Chocolate Creams, put up in 1, iy ani 1 lb. packages, at 50 cents a lb. same price as you pay fo the cheap kind at other (yj places.

Miss Minnie Spilman who is attending Kansas University, is home on a short visit. J. Temple came up from Oklahoma yesterday for a visit with his Bon T. W. Temple.

Mrs. L. 0- Criner returned today from Hoisington, where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs. Joe Bauer returned to Marion today after a short visit with Airs.

Kern and children. I. J. Dickey and family returned today from Moundridge where they spent stveral days with relatives and friends. G.

S. Horton who has been at Dr. Hall's hospital for a month is improving nicely and was taken to bis home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jas.

Griffing returned today, after spending a week with Mr. Griffing, who is managing the Ideal Amusem*nt Company. Dr. J. C.

Klepinger, wife and children of Herington were the guests of Mrs. Klipinger'd parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Kuns, Thanksgiving. The band boj s' concert at Canton Thursday night was fairly well at tended. From all reports the concert -was good and the people were well pleased. J. F.

Stutzman of Girard, Illnoi, formerly of tlia county is here on a shoit visit. He will leave today for the Panhandle of Texas, where he intends to purchase land. Mr. W. L.

Gregory and family who have been visiting Mr. Gregory's sisters, Mrs. Rendleman and Mrs. Geo. Mathews returned to their home in San Francisco, California.

MONDAY. O. D. Roderick of Galva is in the city today. Andrew Biird of Hutchinson frpent Sun1a in McPherson W.

Knaus has returned from a few days pent at Kansas University. Geo. Davis has returned from a business trip ia the Indian Territory Freedolph Tnrnquisb and John Sa leen of Paint Creek ara in town today. George Steel went to White City Saturday for a short visit. He will re.

turn tomorrow. Superintendent Kline of the city schools returned last evening from a visit in Hutchinson. Mrs. Neel of near Windom and her two sons came in today noon from a week's visit with relatives in Salina. John A.

Holmberg of Lindsborg passed through here today on his way to Lyons where he has a contract to do some plumbing work. Gus Severtson of Bridgeport, Oklahoma, is visiting relatives and friends in McPcerson, and looking after bis land interest in this cnunty. Todd VanNorestrand returned yes- terday from Ne York, where he has been engaged in setting up mill machinery for the New York Milling Co. The Ideal Amusem*nt Co. came in yesterday on the Saata Fe.

The boys have had fairly good success and will probably go out again in a few days A. P. Almqaist has moved his blacksmith shop into the new building on North Main Street. The new shop is larger and better equipped Mr. Alm- George has purchased the only billiard hall ar.d bowling pailorin Ira will assist in managing the business.

Verna, the little daughter of" Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shaw, slipped cn their steps last Friday, straining her left hip so severely aa'to make her prc tically helpless.

She is improving blowly but is still unable to move her-self except her arms and head. The Sunday School of the Presbyterian church rendered an excellent program Sunday evening. The program consisted of singing and speak ing and topics pertaining to the work in Porto Rico. The saxaphone and euphonium duet by Messrs McMurray and Todd was exceptionally good. A collection for the work in Porto Rico was taken at the close of the services.

Hide Good His Threat. Pete 8 wan son a Salina character, was arrested last Saturday night on the charge of being drunk. He threat ened to commit suicide if placed in the cooler but the officers considered the threat idle talk. Shortly after midnight one of the officers had oc casion to visit the cooler and on opening the door found Swanson'a lifeless body suspended from a post by a rope made from a couple of bandana hankerchiefs. The officer sent for the coronor but by the time he arrived the prisoner had been revived and no inquest was ncessary.

Lindsborg news. VERY ANNOYING This Hardly Expresses What McPherson People Say It Any itchiness of the skin is annojing. Little setter itching ekin diseases. Bat tbey mat-e you miserable. Do in 's Ointment is a never failing care or Piles, Eczema, all itching troubles.

McPherson citizens ndore Mr. C. J. McPhail of 701 Main street says: "Eczema on the arms, shoulders and back of the neck burned like mosquito bites when the attacks were at their hught. These occurred re quently and some of them were of very long duration the last six years.

When most virulent watery pimples appeared and it was utterally impossible to keep from scratching them, when they broke and as a result the poison scattered. Nothing gave me any permanent relief until I went to Bixby Lindsay's drug store for Doan's Ointment. That preparation did exactly as represented. It cured the last attack. I will be only too pleased to give minuter particulars to anyone calling on me personally." For sale by all dealers.

Price 60c. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the nine Doan's and no other Two Big Meetings The revival services at the MethO- Hisr, fhuroh Saf.nrdav fiver-inff were fairly well attended. A duet by Mrs. J.

A. Davia and Mr Henry Widiger was one of the fet- i tractions of the evening and the 6er-fflOu by R'bv. W. E. Woodward was an earnest presentation of the gospel, with text from Micah.

6:8. Sunday morning vas appropriately observed as, "Decision Day" by the Sunday school quite a number decided to accept Christ. 1 sermon was deli vered by Rev. Woodward entitled, 'Heavenly Visions." Text, Acts 26:19. At the services Sun1ay night a song hy th Mala quartt ttc, I)r Ayerf, Carl Huitqvi-t, E.

R. 13 :rs.h hu-r at Heory Wi. mer was very tilectivt.y rei dt-red. Rev. Woodward prtached a very sermon on "The Conversion ot SjuI of Tarsus." J.

A. D-Vis em a solu vicfi pow er. There vere fix additions to the church during Va Sabbath services. Tii large eliorns choir certainlv Twenty-five BUSHELS of WHEAT to the Acre means a productive capacity in dollars of over SI6 per Acre This on land, which has cost the fanner bnt the price of tilling: it. tells its The Canadian Government glTea absolutely free to every settler 160 acres of sncb land.

Lands adjoinin? can be purchased at from 56 to 10 per acre from railroads and other corporations. Already 175,000 fanners from i tA have TTiaHf. their homes in Canada. jfggj For pamphlet "20th Century Canada." and all information apply to Superintendent of Immb 3.J--&i srration. Ottawa.

Canada: or to J- J'l the followin? authorized Cana-Wmmmmgil dian Government Agent: J. S. CRA FORD. 125 W. 9th Street.

KANSAS CITY M0. Mention thi paper. ill own story. very helpful to the revival services. As usual services begin at 7:30 this evening.

Ton remember nsing our Syrup of White Pine and Tar several years ago and it gave you satisfaction. It is juet the same now as when jou used it last. If we knew how to make it any better we would. Chicken Pie Supper. The W.

R. C. will bold a fair and chicken pie supper, Dec. 9, 1905, in the Odd Fellows hall. Fair to begin at one o'clock, sapper at half pa 4t five o'clock.

Price 25 cts. Tenth Annual Sale W. H. Cotlingham will hold his 10th annaal sale of thoroughbred horses, cattle and hogs on Feb. lo and is.

Taken Up. One 3 earling steer, white and red without mark in sec. 23 Battle Hill township. Erirk RasmusBon 1 mile east of Johnstown. Entertained Prisoners It was not the intention to light W.

Gleason, the County Sheriff, and Mrs. Gleason, when their Thanksgiving dinner was ommitted from those pub lished in the Republican. They served a big dinner Thursday to the three prisoners in the county jail, who are awaiting trial on various charges. The dinner was a splendid one and would have been a credit to a King's table. The prisioners in the jail now are Harry DeNorris of Michigan, John Stephens of Arkansas and Chas.

Skin ner of Marquette. $100 Reward $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis-fse that science has been able to cure ia all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ure is the only postive cure now known in tv.e medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- sHtutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hais Catarrh Cure is taxen in- ternally.

acting- directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby le the foundati ih disease, and the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The'proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. end for list of testimonials. Address. F.

J. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druirgists, 7e. Take Hail's Piils for consumption 'rem Mondmr'a Dally Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Krthbiel returned today from Eureka Springs, Arkasnas. Several ne students have arrived ro take up the work at Walden college this term. school report cards for sale at the Republican "fiice.

An Only Daughter Cured of Consumption When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, and Dr. li. -tines was experimenting with the the many herbs of Calcutta, lie acculentiy made a preparation which cured his only child of Consumption. His child is now in this country, and enjoying the best of health. He has proved to the world that Consumption can be positively and permanently cured.

The Doctor now gives this recipe free, only asking two 2-cen tetamps to pay expenses. This herb also cores Kight Sweats, au9ea at the Stomach, and will break up a frech cold in twentv-four hours. Address CKADKOCK 1038 Race Philadelphia, naming this paper. cms th ififlaminaf; An tt. AUCTIONEER C.

BRUCE Galva, Kansas, R. RNj. a Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. L.

Trowbridge DEN 1 1ST Say All Work Guaranteed! Special Attention Given to Difficult Crown, Bridge aud Plate Work. Over Laderer's Clothing Storw. 'Phone 19V. McPherson Produce Co. Pays highest Market Price for Eggs, Poultry and Game in Season.

A. BASS, Manager. i wjepha-gon Kansas REMOVAL. DR. B.

R. HULL DENTIST, Has moved his dental office to the next stairway north over Miller Garst'a Maa'C and Book Store. McPherson. Karsas. Swanson.

Implement Co Vehicles and Implements, Harvesting Machinery and U. S. Cream Separators. McPherson, Kansm QR. HUSBAND, Dnti CROWH AND BRIDGE WOP Sold and Aluminum an lon'al "nrli MOPHEKSOS at (f PKKHo FILM ami PLATE CAMFICAS and all kini- of Photo supplies.

Call ar i 1'remo catalogue. .1. Iv 1-Um a I SON McPherson, Kansas a Ms AYLKrs Graduate of American School ot Osteopathy, Kirksviile. Mi-souri. Office over Farmers Alliance Ine.

Co. Office 304 Telephone JOHN SINCLAIR CANTON, KANSAS. Always has on hand the very beat COAL a the market. Screenings 15 centi and 20 cents a hundred poendf Gnaranteed aa good as any In thl county. Highest Casn Price Paid For Grain.

Hair Renewer hair. Keeps the hair sort and the ends. Cures dandruff and It. Nuaua. a.

is more valuabla than cheap Thanksgiving with Stewart and Irene Their coraOMtion is i-ecret, but Hy'iBiird. omj-i gives itt formula to all reputa- ble physicians. Mw. W. T.

Young of little River Its base the faroona eucalyptus came in yesterday for a few days visit oil, well known for its anti.f p-ic qnal-! her daughter, Mrs. Dell ities This is con.bined with aromatic Carpenter. and healing gums and balsams, mak- Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Allen, who have iig a pure lrjuid which, when ued been vi-iting with Mrs. Aden's in the Hjomei pockets inhaler, fills rents Mr and Mrs. Archy Brown, the air you breathe with germ kil i ig, returned today to their home in disease desirojin and bealhing Woodsville, Oklahoma, powers that restore health to every The McPherson youth participated part of the throat, rioee and lu gs in the first skating of the season yes Hyomei is endorsed by pbysiciona terday afternoon. The recent rain generally Many of them use it them-1 left little pools of water in the creek elves to brefck up cold and present bedc, which when frozen over make pneumonia.

It is th only natural and good fkating. lational way of enring catarrh. bodv invited to attend the This treatment his been so success- prpgram and box 80ciai at Mora ful, curing S9 per ctr.t, of all who echool hoU8e St, miied west of Mc-bave UMrdi1, that Hjomei is now sold on a at 7.30 p. m. by 11.

Hu bell under an absolute garartee to rtfund the morey if it does not cure. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. 0 9 if 9' Vi WW 1 Is The Time (o Buy Holiday Goods 3 This store has never had as complete a line of fine Ghinaware. Gut Glass Novelties As it Has This Season. Our LAMP DEPARTMENT Has never been better stocked with handoome, serviceable goods than Now.

PRICES ARE RIGHT. Groceries For the Holiday Season! We Have Them and They Are all Good We cn flojoa witn hojou can fcge DR. V. N. iiOBB, Ophthalmologist Office ovrr KicharJ M'llei's Store A hiyh-class Dreoaration for the glossy and prevents splitting at always rcsiuica wuiut orerser The Square Dealing North MainStreet, Phone No.

Hisrhesf Price Paid.

McPherson Weekly Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.