The Lindsborg News=Record from Lindsborg, Kansas (2024)

MARQUETTE SEWS. fs1 A LITTLE OF ETERYTHISG, SMOKY VALLEY NEWS, U. S. 5Jajehal Stillwell H. Russell, yilE constitutionality of our prohibitory amendment and law, it appears, is be tested in the United States Court.

Some months ago, Peter Mug-ler, of Salina, was arrested for manu BT ONE Wno WRITES ALL HE IIEAP.S. Corn planters can be lough, of W. Texas, was to two years in ITilDAY, APU1L 20, 1883. The Xhird Biennial Eeportf tlie State Board of Agriculture. third biennial report of the State licSrd of Agriculture is published.

It is a sjdendid volunje of over 700 pages, finely printed and illustrated, presenting lh most comprehensive view the ma SUNDSTROU, BERGSTEN Co. SUHDSTROM, BEBGSTEH Cd the Chester, 111., penitentiary for finan- O. Watson at bed rock and on bed rock time. Garden seed by the angle is 1 f6? n( it9 hase is 4 feet what is ltg altitudc rilYfclClL GEOGRAPHY. I.

How do salt lakes originate II. What ia the Telegraphic Plateau III. What are tides How caused IV. nancial eccentricities. A.

HINVSWaLP, tttOPRIKTO. pound or in bulk very cheap. We would most cordially invite you when It is estimated that there are about 11,000 old soldiers in Kansas and DlsaAVcazs Croraljcminny stats that in town to visit us and inspect our new Sir. Xagely is better at this facturing malt liquors in violation of the law and was convicted in the district court and fined $503. The case was appealed to the Supreme court where the decision of the lower court was sustained, Chief Justice Horton and Associate Justice Valentine uniting in an writing.

about 20.000 soldiers' widows and Snrinsr and Summer varieties of fine and me- i -f a terial history nd agricultural growth of the State for the years 1831 and 1882. -The work here presented is not the haphazard statements of the enthusiastic Kansan who always lives upon the best quarter section in the best coun liev. Molpe went to Kansas City last mm -011060. QTeSS SllKS, SliaWlS, liUC Why does not the Gulf stream material coronation of tho Czar will likely postponed nr. til Juno 10th.

The Jjitcst proclamation of the Nihilists refers to the Czar in a scornful way, say- rioj that ho isbsaoatli criticism. week with the editor of the Svenska -n- 1 Vnc omlrfpirlprtr. fitP. Kansas is 20SJ miles north and ly affect the climate of the States south; 404 miles long east and west and V. opinion, from which Associating Justice Brewer dissented.

The case is now to Callearlv and pront tnereoy, wauu uiu contains 81,318 square miles. Which are warmer, the vertical or ob ty of the best State, but the cold prac to Little lUvcr the first of the week. StOCK IS Complete, HOm WU1UU UU Vfciix axv Geo. Scheixer, accused of setting be appealed to the Supremo court of tical figures cf the officer sworn to do lique rays of the sun Give two reasons for your answer VI. and did not get tack the same day, not clOUDt make SUltable SeleCtlOnS.

his duty. We see in pounds and bush fire to the Newhall Mouse, on January the United States, oa an issue involv-10th, last has been acquitted by the ing the constitutionality of the law. els what each county has produced of much, Mary Ann. They came back with the head ache and said J. M.

Fultz was Islands are classified according to situ I vrtt -v i Y- a jury. lue Brewer Association have The ill of Peter Cooper Las lecn He leaves SI. 000.000 to the union, ami devides the remainder of Hiss pslu*te, except $20,000, in special bequests between his son and Kdward, r.nd Mrs. A. P.

Ilew-jtt. The estate is valued at 32,000,000. ation, how? Islands classified according Dry Goods, butter, cheese, wool, wheat, corn, oats and all the small grains. The cattle, stocking up his store on one side with Rev. J.

Comstock. a second Adven- ePWl Senator Vest, of Missouri, to to origin, how? i i ii. dry goods, using barbed fence wire for VII. tUf bPon arrested maws up wie case, ana ne eges mat lorses, sheep, swine and mules are not I ..1. 1 .1 Staple Groceries, Canned Goods, Dried Fruit Glassware as the United Statj3 recognizes the le approximated inertly, but the exact Leavenworth county charged with rapo What four principal wind zones? How Mieiwng, ana auouier reaiure was tney are land and sea breezes caused failed to haul a load through that they gality of the manufacture of liquors, no number in each couuty is given, kven on a thirteen year old girl.

Dress Goods, Men's Clothine, Boots and Shoes, Hats. Cats. Etc. VIII. started with.

Be careful boys when State has a right to prohibit their man the doers have their census taken. The The count of the cash in the United When is the air aid to be at its dot away from home and remember vour ufacture. horticultural interests, the dairy, the States Treasury lias been finished, and point When will the air's moisture be mother's counsel TclaccoEi apiaey and the garden; amount and val the counting committee has begun to VJ' i II. 11 I The report of tho State Board of Agriculture Miow tint McPherson raisad 2.739.412 bushels of nheat in JS82, of tf acres of rmnd. This is tho largest amount of wheat raised in any one county.

Dickinson second with 2.051,034 ue of farm buildings erected, fences It is said that a Pittsfield clergyman Aiaic ceins io trouble iiimscii a 1 1. examine the books and accounts. deposited IX. Name the primary forms of clouds jrood deal about thnM moot hotU "ur!e. on Fast Day, took occasion to give Gov built, artificial forests planted, the manufacturing interests, railroads, value unusually full, and we warrant all A fire destroyed the Model flouring Wc carry a large fctock.

Uvrrj thing lu ourETocvrydcpartiiicnt ii marked way down. We only a-k a vc ry small profit on thc.e jrds, for the same grades wc will not be uuuerfoll ernor Butler a lift after this manner to a young lauy oy a warrieu gentle- articies to bc as represented or your mill at Minneapolis, valued at and indebtedness of each county, church man. 1'ruoaoiy ne is sorry ne is not I mono will he refunded on return knowest, Lord, how that this if ornnni'l bushels off of 73.903 acres $40,000. The dispatch, which was sent es, schools and newspapers, all are giv the donor. Now this appearing in ing the goods man cares lor none ot those things X.

The animals of the globe have been classified how LATIN. I. en complete, and constitute an exact print has caused every married lady to while the fire was under way stated which he enjoins upon others: how that that other and more valuable property he disregard9 his acrea oath of and reliable volume of great value to quia her husband in regard to billetts SmrosTaoM, Beegsteit Co. and now we have to dodge the comers the State; one which every Kansanmay in tne vicinity was sure to iouow. of and cares not The ludicrous aspect of tho present thr.amito scare in England is shown by tUf fact that not a single man has been Lille by the so-called dynamite league.

What nouns of the first decl. take the be nroud of. as trivinjr in plain figures in trying to couvince our wives that it At Fort Worth, two children for cause of temperance. Re- endings aftu Where? was not us. the victories of peace, which our peo were burned to death in a dry goods box vcal to him his great wickedness, and pie are winning all over our great prai ore EROUIST'S UmE cause him to turn from his evil ways which they had set afire.

ries, in our valleys and towns, and minister to God's glory in govern For noise, trouble, death and disaster one of our Fourth of July celebrations lays over the present English cseitinent by several hundred and yet we The watchman of the Metropolitan JOHN T. ANDERSON, In 1870 we had a population of 3G4, ing the affairs of the state." II. Decline gener, dtut, tirv. What nouns of the 3rd decl. arc feminine rv Decline aeui, domvt, diet.

(Successors toll. M. Knox.) LIXDSBORG, KANSAS. 309; in 18S0, 995.9C6, or in round Insurance Agent, bank of New Orleans was bound and gagged and the bank robbed of $2,000. rather like it.

The English should numbers a million, and we have four LINDSBORG. KANS. OUR brace up. fifths of our area vet to occupy. Wc A lady at ichita cave birth to All kinds of farm property insured against Are, ligctning.

ind storms and hava been poor the last twenty-fiv Df thsBas! Qaaliti tata Had in Uia market. three healthy children a short time ago. Drugs and Modicines Salina Journal: tornadoes. A riuccLAii received at this office from the Secretary ot the Kansas City years, only getting ready to occupy the Compare and decline each degree of J. A.

Banker shows us the limbs of The Minnesota prohibitionists have comparison of aeer, acrit, acre. land. We have been building our towns. Fat Stock Show Association fives a list resolved to act independently of both limbs of peach trees which arc "chock full" of good live peachers in embryo. fencing our land, getting our 7,000 5nY1 or Show yea Experienced Clerks Prescnm tiie otuer parties and nave iormea a The frost did not get in its work on tham VI.

What adjectives of the 3rd decL have in the sing VII. of subscriptions to, enterprise. )ver $7,000 has been subscribed, much i( which has been paid in, and a good Always cr. hand to Fill separate organization. surclv.

9 school houses ready, and giving cur young Jayhawkers who are to take care of this Empire and its wealth in the Bex nomination for the Wc understand jhat an effort will be inany other subscriptions have been Decline ego, tu, tui, alter, quispiam, and future, the nreliminarv education that presidency by the democracy continues made to rcssurrect the foot bridge scheme promised. we can learn we If you need anything in the line of 1 Hi 1 You better give us a call right away. A CwIAi vw Ui WL will fit them to keep the State in the to be a subject of eager discussion by nd hat the company can be in- idem 'are sati3.1ed this cutcrpriso will be VIII. JOB PRINTING- OF ALL DESC1UPTIOX3 rmnfrni-nFfiIn Stitna nf tha eastern Dancrs ana corresnonaents. a success.

Arid wc are certain that it vv 4 neeaea to buna tne oriiic-e. i i vuion. i Hie telecrams of tne dailv mnen o.i cuKt nf thn nuccivo noriniimciin Knninrra. will be productive of much, good to the Wo propsc to keep a first class ftwk Midi In 1872 Jvansas had in cultivation inform us that Brady, who was on tr ia The first official acts of Mayor Obcr, Hion the verb audio, audirt, aitdici. stock interests of the west.

Can be had at short 2,476,362 acres; in 1882, 11,043,379, at Dublin for the murder of Lord Fred- in appointing E. E. Bowen, City Clerk; auditum an incroas of eiht and a half millions I- L. M. Tuttle.

Marshal, and C. T. Hilton. I IX notice at this office. Tut annual mooting of the State articles as iKiong to a umg More.

ctmsiting i lrugs. of every Patent Mcdit if all Paints Oils. lt. 1'tc. One thing we want We are not here ecll pKds at ct, but v.i!l 1I a try -Xt.

Call and sec us, anyway, wlvn-vt you arc in town 1 I UKtWUUIOII, 1IUJ UiU AVUUU gUlllJF I of acres in ten years, as large an are and sentenced to be hanged. Street meet with a hearty 1 nnnrApnl Uditorial Association will be held in as Massachusetts, Connecticut and lit 11 vVinfield at 2 n. m. on May 0th. 0 tu spring- unve arc We are reliablT informed that F.

Good- tle Rhode Island. In 1872 the live stock tho 10th tho Association will take a What is the ot tho 8rd plural, pres. subjunctive of the active periphrastic conjugation of the verb lego, legert, Uxi, ledum X. What active forms have the deponent verbs qaoted at from 12 to Id per head, now wil build an extensive addi- of the State was valued at special train of Pullman ears for a ten and older cattle high in proportion, in I tion to their mill. This mill is consider- uays trip west, nc excursion win ocl- ll Texas and other cattle raising regions.

fd oue of the best in the ftate and iu every point of interest between a increase in ten years of over five iniDrovement. wuicn win cost in ine The Ohio gubernatorial question is neighborhood of $40,000 will make it one Kauas and Chihuahua, Old Mexico, millions of wealth per year. apital. ATX winIi to call vour attention to uir up for discussion in Washington. Judge of the best in the country BRIDGEPORT BREEZES.

The expense Avill be about $25 to $30 Lawrence and Ben Buttcnvorth are Thn count commissioners think of in for each individual. The Santa Fe road TRCUIBITIOX IXJIISSOrRI. 1 The Prohibition State Committee of U10st Pninently mentioned No use of sending any- vesting about $3,000 in improving Oak Vlnln 1iflr A li.mrLninA f.timtntn l.n BY GAMMON. Garden truck is booming. furnishes the train tree, the pay 13 per berth for the Missouri ha9 issued an address to the a I 41.

V. M. UdllUUtltl. Hill UC The Congressional appropriations for placed sonK.wlierc 5a lhe Park and no V. hlecpers if they take one.

Comforta class of work away when it can be done at people of that State, denouncing the the next fiscal year are $06,000,000 pains will bc spared to make it a. pleas Fresh fish arc becoming plenty. During the hitrh wind last Friday ble passenger coaches be attached Legislature for refusing to submit a less than those for the present one. It ant resort to the train for use of those who don't prohibition amendment to a vote of the is said that about $75,000,000 has been McPherson Freeman: CD Si. some unknown lunatic set fire to the home hi gOOd Style Cilld jvant to put on stylo.

electors. They declare that the people taken off the revenue by the tariff bill. i i. i ii. r- grass in the river Ixittom south of Mr.

at reasonable prices. sucn auomission; assert mat tuo Tt Wn "AhM tn-'oh of Sll.YKRWARK, CAST)K. LACK TIXS. lirTTKK KAU Pliors, KKllKY IHSIIKS. CIMISSKS.

CAKK STANDS, COLLAR CALL mhis. r.KXTS' rixs, kxiyks axi foiiks rings, sic ar STL'DS. TABLK. Itl-lfRT ETC. KTO.

TEA SCOOXS. HAMMBERG Rcf airing of all kinds promptly dme. tl narji.Uvd Come and see our Wo carry the lar-immense stock ofigest stock of school Books stationery I books in the county Horses in some parts of the county are troubled with distemper. W. II.

Loomis, of King City, is talking of moving his distillery to Ilalstead. Ui I The last leirifsl.nttire made tro Hopkins house. Mr. Hopkins lost 40 tons of hay and large amount of young issue "was evaded by treacherous delay col(jr of thft WM y. jwirtant changes in the law relating timber.

Messrs Brown Johnson also iivterciit on tho purchase price of Committee, backed by specious cx- 8carlett wllich thoy have, worn, cuses and a resort to flagrant misrepre- to tb. sentations and despicable parliamentary J. Q. Barnes has moved his building lost a large amount of timber. It will! to S3 onto Kansas svenuc, to make room for school lands.

On lands purchased hereafter, interest on the sums unpaid be made particularly hot for the party his new brick. eodesiia rreerrcss: "ve nave trickery: amrm taat tne petitions in who set it out if cauirht and convicted. at time of purchase will ba only six favor of the question were "notable from not heard much about the peaches late-lr cent per annum, and all persons sections where the Democratic voters I J- lom the looks of the trees just at Mrs. Schofield fell down stairs a few days since and injured one of her limbs. in the Christian The great event who have heretofore purchased suqIi were largely in the majority," and that Prese.nt we wouli predict a large crop Ve learn of a sad case of accidental world this spring, will be the dedication "VI 0 iantfK.

may have tiie rate of interest on tne submission unuuestioniblv fa- year. shooting Superior township which re-1 or the new kj. Lhurch on Uypsuin CHOICE CIGARS ALWAYScnHAhD Sti yet to be made reduced to vored by a majoritT of the'membew of The Department of Agriculture will mUCa 1 UeaUl AscUcrman 8 Creck 8CeentI crcctcd bJ Mr' IIiirrJ a jf two vcflr ann Mr A cMiprman Ufkpnfl W2r vfe Tollc. the Democratic party;" and end by de- shortly establish near' Washington an ffun i hs shop, and during his absence STATIONERY. Kev.

J. II. Lockwood, well known daring that they propose to make the experimental farm and hospital for the it was discharged blowing off one arm of mx per ceut, provided they are not in default for either -iatercst or taxes. To secure advantage of the reduced rate of interested should the boy and tearing his breast open kill- erc as a fine ogkum and brilliant pul A good rule for business men, "patronize those who patronize you," and keep your campaign of 18b4 earnest and aggro treatment of domestic animals, with a ive. view to ascertaining by a scries of scicn- ing him instantly.

pit orator, will be p'esent and conduct the exercises. We may safely predict an intellectual fea-t for those who This address is signed by Col. W. F. tific experiments what are the causes mate application to the county clerk, who will, on the surrender of their old BEINTNALL WHEELER, Ss-eitzler, B.

Gratz Brown, John A. of such diseases as Texas fever, rd'euro- certi5c4e of purchase, issue a new one j3rook5i Hou. Chas. P. Johnson and Col.

pneumonia, and what are the best TCavo zx T.iTgr etocli of tlio EXAMINATION WEEK AT BETHANY ACADEMY. The following questions were used at the examinations being conducted at money at home. You ut the reduead of interest. John McMichael, all prominent and m- methods of preventing or curing them Celebrated Weir Plows and Cultivators, Mr. J.

A. Winchester has sold out his live stock and will start for Illinois fluential Democrats of the State. It is may want it again. Tiik Indian school at Lawrence is Also, Grand DeTour Plows, Aoai; our to be model Democratic a notahla lact that not a single Repub- the Bethany Academy the present week. Tuesday night, for a four weeks visit.

governor has come to the front wien he liean name is attached to it. Champion. a booming reality. Secretary idler has forwarded the plans and specifica Messrs. Goodnow.Judd and Randolph are inforuiod that those examined passed a very creditablo examination.

Watertown and Studebaker Spring Wagcn would much rathe.r have been a high paid the Mill Co. a flying visit Monday. tions of the building. A site of three private in tiie rear ranss. tins time it How Cheap it Can be Done- CONSTITUTION.

hundred acres, just south of the city, Mrs. Aleck McPhail is down with the is arbor day prod, mations. if A prominent railroad president told meascls. Define civil government. How and when was the Constitution of has been secured.

The school will accommodate 500 pupils. The buildings there i3 any subject on which our gran- a Chie.igo Tribune New York corres- ger governor would be cxpeeted to have porideut that within twenty years pas- and grounds will cost 100,000, of lDC nuea Biaics ncn cacn The darkness was thick enough to stir. The cold east wind whistled Studebaker, Bain and Orchard City Farm Wacons, And a full line of first class Farming Implements of Every Description. A full stock of -Hardware and Tinware. Jca which did not date scngcrs could go from New York to which SID (ml) lms heen rain in Law.

I bauk to the tjaio of the flood, it was on Chicago for five dollars and perhaps less I What are the qualifications of eligibility mournfully through the tall bare hedge t0Xhe of Representatives? The rows. ihls qucsii'ji of trees. Bat it seems if the number of passengers wras great The driver sat silent at his post. woremenv win uciraj me resi ui me genatc Tne Presidency? The Vice it even here we wera to bo disappoint- enough. Nothing could be heard save the sullen Tt.

will he road fnr neennan. I Pw.eMnnr expense. t.t e- 3 ed. 1 The beautifij proclamation signed Among other things he said: Well cimck, ruui'k ui iuc wiguD our inenua cy about the fir. of December, 1883.

Muat ci is itic given by tho ivernor was borrowed from the we would be glad of the chance to get No matter what you The crime of suicide is increasing as governor of Nebraska. True, it was one hundred dollars a car for carrying Pflarket lumbered along on their way from the exhibition. The team had wandered off into by aud forbidded paths and refused to see the errors of their ways, rapidly in this country as in any other City jiearly as good as new having only been hoses; sixty hogs fid a ear and wigh wl How may a bill become a law 1 Define Habeat Corpus Who may preside over the Srnntc What sole power has the Senate in use about five days, and only needed twelve tons. ow if you can make nation ot tne worm, miring tne past until they reached the classic banks of need in the line of Job Work the NEWS office is ready to do it at living prices. ji few slight changes in its make up to money carrying twelve tons of fifteen years there have occurred the Miiit nnr c.tvnriior better than one he Iinm r.w nn ilntlsrc dnn't vnn city of New York alone no less' than For what time may appropriations be I peewec miiilp f(ir tlif nrmv 9 I Suddenly the wagon reared could get himself.

think we could make money carryinjr cases ot selt destruction. Vic what cases has the bupreme Court fifty passengers, weighing four tons for timg of the mania cams from all classes ing to ron. i nc pasengers conciuacu original jurisdiction th same money? and from all ages. Tho wealthy man KniToatAi. passes over Kansas jrajl-1 to do then from out the darkness came cries of veneance and We often carry hors from Chicago to cied by his own hand because he fear roads are being extended only until Yritea good negotiable promissory on the'driv erS head.

The man New York- at one dollar api6 aud Fety, tbe.poo;-woaianem;ed Ksls T. Proprietor, Lindstoorg, Kansas. Good supply of Fresh Meat always on hand. CASH PAID FOR POULTRY, EGGS BUTTER, Hides. Tallow, Furs and Wool always wanted.

Highest market prices paid for June first, when the new railroad "law note. L. her life because was sdready so goes into cflVet, From what wc can feed them on the way too; yes and w.e 4i 1 t-anK lanited. dean the railroad are seriouslv ccn-i have to load and unload them twice. UUUt 19 LUC ftlUlLHC.

lUlClTJSi VII Vii 7 per from March 0th, 1877, to August 13th, 1879 poor starvation stared her iu the face, and the world offered no charms. Children have died by their own hands be DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Now men load and unload themselves; templatiiig the cutting cST 04' all free fifty men can sret into a car, so 1 tell I insure my house, worth for two-thirds of its value at a premium of cause of the shame felt at bcinsj cor you that we can carry passengers from They Inlave Come I passes, including newspapers, because helaw would have such an effect that hey could not stand the accommodations. Now, if we are to belicjc tte Ja per cent What is the premium paid Xcw York to Chicago for two dollars apiece and make money, and for one each year for the insurance rected at school. Disappointment in love was a cause of a large proportion of cases, and loss of money was also dollar apiece proviueq wa can have a passes issued to newspapers necessi Find the total cost of twenty-four yards of calico 8a twenty-five yards of muslin 12Jt sixteen jards of silk the incentive for many to fill a suicide's tated the present high rates, we.

wpiild lull train of twelve cars, fifty passe n-bo very sorry that we have been wish J' gers iu each car. twenty -four and one-half The Garden City Herald says that on of coffee 16 eight and one-half There are reports to the effect that Tuesday, a boj named Charlie Gum, lb3- 01 Jctsi nn outran upon our. Cut, fortunately for our feelings, the "circular annually issued by the U. 1, a copy vi whioh v.e uiaiiced to Lave, read would not indicate suMi batbarity, for the circular stated pspjicijly that the Jay Gould will retire from business as aged 14 years, was out riding on a fleet "at Wl" be tbe totaI 0061 01 'be mate-, 1 -i rial (posts, nails and lumber) in a four-soon as he cousuniates his erand scheme pony, and went on an island one mile no board fence 28 rods long Fencing lum- And Have Just Received ot an alliance oetween tne eouiawesieru vus 01 ah.u. wncn, ms ierrur, a 1(r 6 iDchcg and 14 fcet 0ne.

and IS SlANCtAClUUia system of railroads and the East Ten- arge wyd cat made a spring at him; he worth $16 per M. There are 6 nails in 53 nessee, Virginia and Georcia system and I put spurs to his horse and he and the each board, and 36 nails in a pound. A Big Line of (Dlothisig for men and boys of the finest and latest styles for spring wear. other tributaries! Gould is 47 years of wild cat had a regular run all over the worth 4 a pound. Posts costing! 12.

mK and has accumulated an enormous island. The boy threw his rone, and as amunieuc 1 rarmersmp 1 fortune, estimated bv some at S100.000.- luck had it the wild cat eot his risiht WE KAKS LV2U7 VitiCTT It? Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, noft 1 if tvu onn onft r. foot in'ihA 'inn. Th wild cat Divide c- of 62) by (25 plus vw. f- I nl A rocenes ncwspaptrs pay for all their favors by publications of time cards, change of time and others items of Jptjrast' not uly to the company but to tc public generally.

The circular further stated that the newspapers were not expected to ''shut but are exf tcted t-j dis-eitss the li. 11; nroblcai iii: a- spirit of fairness to" Inch" end wc have been endeavoring. iVhalete? poliay the roads way "pursue with newspape; shall be content with it. the 6tock of the Wcsiei-n Union Tele- roared and bii aijd the boy dared not innnnAflnn- 4v. -r- i i A farmer has thrpe fields of wheat: graph company, $20,000 in the Mis- stop his horse.

He plunged into the From tbe firgt Le obuins bug pks soupi Pacific railroad, ani $5,000,000 'ArkaRsas river, hauljng the cat after 2 from the second, one-half as much Via Rnld at thft old tJOlhloj bt t- UAS" IMf T.KB&K. bj TJuCU.l KuW LtlU 1 lie ti ii ci, tt Wm lntJ etnei repuuo of making imei Cic repuutioa of miking in real estate. The balance pf the im- him, and kept up the run for several plus 76 bus. 3 pks. 1 and from the "THE BEST WAGON OH WHEELS." dense fortune is in cagh ani yarious miles, until the cat ps4.ty well used thirdr as much as from the other two.

less pecial Dnducements. stocks and bonds. lie will taJe a trip up. When he stooped the bus-' 6 PKs-7 mucl Kannractaren iMbM the warranty. br.tA-eow mt on u.ura rcpwCM- in.

tho wrrrt mlM ucb If mi tmn: XV Hrrrfef lit EROS. ffAWS 1-wet! t3 trrrr rr Blaraul ftu4 mai that ib wtr It Crrui ti-r i i jt 1 i. i i i Ladies Cloaks and Men's Overcoats, and a lot of other Winter Clothing Sboaln SJ Ul.t occar t- yr ira uu t- ot res-vc of arqund the world in his own yacht, now cat was speedily dispatched with a bar i f' AVhat will it c( nearly completed, and it is said wjjl i of iron that a neighbor brought to his or repair for awiu ranvuca at iacsul ft.e, l- ci lnnr nnrf 15 fppt wi1 Vlth llnicaol mil null nnct i a.1aii ntil nnrntiilM miv1j j. kr. nf id repaira.

a. p.t pnt tin ytxu ia uii iy p' ntttc i ln.r hia Rrtn Clonrrt flimld a. niif.h assistpnco. Tllft eat was four feet lon I ay i If we can't ride jvo cn home or do the- ether thing. The- time short that wo re to bo kept ia doubt ih.

brakes or aeii puta an -tr j--r7 1 a jjijij jaru am wonn fi.zo Knowin? aaa salt ro. ara aoiini Miromre rram rerr cwt ohm Eica. ow Carlson terete ate Tern of S3, to contiuuc all fcU'cct and was the largest ever een this I per yard twoAoxiaL I county, I jdre kyjoUwiUK ikt-teicd tiir.

The Lindsborg News=Record from Lindsborg, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Views: 5523

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.