THE CENTRAL KANSAS WEEKLY NEWS-DEMOCRAT LOCAL NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK 11 381 7 i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Favorite and three children, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cupp, left this morning for a visit at Emporia and various points in Oklahoma, before returning to their home at Pueblo, Colorado.
Miss Helen Christopher, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H. Leith, left this morning for McPherson where she will attend a house party given by Miss Gail Hall, before returning to her home in Wichita. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening with Miss Bertha Hopkins. On ac from the hardware store yesterday and celebrated by having the adenoids removed from his nose.
Mrs. Gail Palmer yesterday to her home at Newton after visiting a few days with her mother, Mrs. H. C. Nichols.
Mrs. Burn Schultz, who has been visiting her Mr. and Mrs. L. V.
Rigdon, returned to her home in Sterlng yesterday. Mrs. Newman Martin and children went to Chase last evening to visit over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs James Lansing. George Diskey finished cutting 125 acres of wheat last Wednesday and began plowing with two plows Friday for fall wheat.
Mr. and Mrs. Orin L. Gravs return-edthis morning to McPherson after a few days spent in Lyons seeking medical aid. S.
S. Earhart returned this morning to his home at Pana, Illinois after a few days visit with B. F. Brua and family. Mrs.
Mary White came in this morn ing from Frizell, for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Irwin.
Edith Alden Jones and daughter, Ellen, of Ellsworth are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hart-ronft.
Mr. and E. A. Richards went out to their farm Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Caldwell. 'Miss Fae Day went to Galva this morning and will organize a Junior League at that place tomorrow. Miss Genevieve Reed returned this morning from a couple of weeks visit with friends at Great Bend. E. E.
Monroe went to Frederick yesterday to see how things were getting along at his farm. 'Mrs. L. L. Stringer was over from the Chase neighborhood yesterday on a shopping tour.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Finley motored to Sterling yesterday and spent the afternoon. Ed Bohrer is confined to his bed with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
Mrs. T. Robison and Mrs. Gus Bohrer of Chase were shopping in our city today. Del Leonard came into town this morning and took out a new header.
Tom Beech of Lucas, Kansas, is here visiting with his brother, Henry. Mrs. B. L. Wolf leaves this evening for Jewell City to visit relatives.
Frank Lennon returned to his home Mrs. Harry Livingston has recovered from her recent illness and res-sumed her duties at the Puterbaugh store. The little Misses Josephine and Harriet Taylor spent last evening with their aunt, Mrs. Frankie Fisher. Mrs.
William Porter and adughter Mary went to Mitchell yesterday and spent the day visiting friends. George Bruor came down from'El-linwood this morning to visit the Peter Roberts family. Mrs. D. V.
Turner and daughter, Miss Etta were down rom" Frederick yesterday shopping. S. G. Puterbaugh is up from Hutchinson today to look after his mercantile interests here. E.
H. Lees was over from Sterling this morning attending the trial of Ernest McCracken. Frank Harmon came into town this morning before breakfast to get harvest supplies. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Finley of Pollard spent the day in Lyons visiting friends and relatives. aiiss rannie Davis went to wintiom this morning to spend the day visiting friends. E. A. Sample's children are in town early this morning for harvest sup plies.
Glen Elble returned to Little River this morning. --on Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Willis Workman, Mrs. Fred Seeley and Mrs.
Ephraim Buckley entertained the Willing Workers' class of the Christian Sunday school at the home of Mrs. Workman Friday afternoon. Twenty-nine guests in all were present and all report a very pleasant time. Games were played ofter the usual business hour was' over. Decorations were in red, white and blue and ice cream and cake in the national colors were served.
J. E. Smith has accepted a position as a clerk with the Wells Fargo Express company at Bolvar, Missouri, and will leave Monday for that place. Just what he will do with the store Mr. Smith does not yet know.
He will return to Lyons in a few days to attend to some business before moving to Bolivar. A cablegram received today by. A. Fones from his daughter Miss Keene Fones and dated at Naples, Italy, contains just the word "Wigwam." Landed safe, good voyage, nobody sea sick. Which indicate that the party got across the big pond without mishap and has begun its tour through the classic land.
A man who gave his name as John Green was arrested and put in jail this morning for "bootlegging." Ha pleaded guilty and no trial was need Green is a transient and had been getting some of the hard earned mon ey of harvest and Mrs. J. W. Long and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Six motored down to Sterling last evening in hopes of having a good time, but Henry said it was as quiet as a funeral so they came back. Mrs. J. S. McBride and daughter Gretta an dthe Misses Margaret Joney and Maxine Eble went to Gypsum City last evening to visit a few days with relatives and friends at that place.
Mrs. Arda Basley and children left this morning for their home at Wier City after a few weeks visit with rela tives and friends at Frederick, Hois-ington and Lyons. Mrs. Clyde Bell of Topeka and sis ter-in-law, Mrs. George Diskey, went to Little River this morning to visit Mrs.
C. A. Shumway and other friends at that place. Mrs. Lee Trader and baby daughter Rora returned to their home in Mcpherson this morning after a few days visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Treon. J. F. Waggoner finished threshing yesterday and reports an average of bushels to the acre.
He had quite a large acreage out.too. so he ought to feel good. E. N. Harts was calld to Kansas City this morning to be with his daugh ter, Mrs.
Emma who is not recovering as well as might be hoped. Hugh Farrelly of Chanute. Demo cratic candidate for senator rom, Kan sas, was in the city today looking round among the voters. Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Favorite and children arrived this morning from Pueblo, for a few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cupp. Jesse Ainsworth took a vacation From Friday's Dally. Now what we want to know is whv a certain Hutchinson man who has been coming to Lyons to see a certain young lady (who formerly was a teacher in the Hutchinson schools) should come up from Hutchinson last evening and bring a preacher with him and then call Eev.
Rash (Rev. Kash is Mamie pastor to tne scene of action. We haven't seen any marriage licenses but would like to know the reason for all these mysterious proceedings. George Wohlford is expecting company some of these days, or at least thinks he has reason tov He has been trying to get his brother W. C.
Wohlford of Richlarid county, Ohio to come out and see him. The brother has put him off with one thing or another for some time, but yesterday Mr. Wohlford received a letter addressed to his brother and put in his care, so he surmised that the brother must be somewhere on the road to this part of the country. C. C.
Jones, wife and daughter from Garden City arrived in Lyons yesterday evening in their car, hav- CcloMjr inane iAic ii ir li about six o'clock in the morning -to six in the evening. Mrs. Jones is -a niece of C. H. Warden, and they are guests at the Warden home while in our city.
They expect to go in their car to Kansas City, Oklahoma City and probably to Galveston before returning home. Mrs. Minnie Frayne came in last evening and is" looking after the interests of state charity. She is particularly interested in the home for the friendless founded by Mrs. Cushing, which is a school for girls.
Mrs. Frayne comes to Lyons every two years. She will go on to Hutchinson Saturday. Mrs. J.
D. Redfield and son Harris, Miss Harriet Harris and Miss Dorothy Zimmer left today for their respective homes after attending the Taylor-Harris wedding. Mrs. Redfield and son go to North Platte, Nebraska and Miss Harris and Miss Zimmer to Lincoln. Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Oliverson, Mr. ail Mrs.
Kent Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Workman went to Hutchinson yesterday and had a general good time.
They took in everything to be taken in, including the Stevens lake. 1 Mrs. Robert Harkreider 'dislocated her shoulder Just how she did it is not known. She had been taking a nap and in rising froni the couch twisted her shoulder in such a manner that it threw it out of place. Mrs.
Edith Bavington Andrews and small daughter Myra, left this morning for their home in Los Angeles. They had intended to stay all summer, but the hot weather sent them back to where the sea breezes blow. R. H. Nordstrom is suffering from a badlv burned hand, the result of turning a pan -of grease over on it while cooking some fish om- evening of their recent camping trip to Cottonwood Falls.
E. T. Smith, who has been visiting his brother Thomas Smith, went to Mitchell today to visit a few days Wlul relatives auu Ancnua uiui turning to his home at Lawrence. J. W.
Zimmerman accompanied the Jhes family from -Garden City in tljieir touring car to Lyons Thursday and took the Frisco passenger train for Ellsworth in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Connelly came in (from Saxman this morning. Mr. Con-nelly went on to Hutchinson to spend the day, while Mrs. Connelly visited with her mother and sister. Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Warden entertained last evening at 6 o'clock dinner for Rev. Townley, Rev.
Irwin and wife Rev. Rash and wife and a few other friends. Miss Ruth Cassingham returned to home on route four this morning after visiting several days with Chas. Meyers and family. Miss Modine arrived last evening from McPherson to visit for a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Rhoads. J.
Jf, Williamson, urns ui we vreu- eseo merchants, was In our city yes-nhnnnino' and attending to W1UJ uiivm-'o business. I Isaac Schoonover is recovering from his injuries received by being kicked by a horse, as fast as could be expected. Mrs. II. C.
Nichols returned last ev- I 1..1 rwiM niiaaniiri. wnnrH hub iibi I been visiung a prouier wuw mu quite ill. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years ymi eiimoii aouMKY, iw Venn errr. Mrs.
R. H. Benedict and daughter Helen returned to their home at St. Joe this morning after a couple of weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Dean. Mrs. John Case, formerly Miss Ella Jean Gray arrived last night from Topeka for a visit with her mother, Mrs.
Gray and other relatives and friends. Nice early Richmond cherries, two boxes for 25 cents, or $2.75 per crate. Burbank's plums, 65 cents per basket, or 20 cents per dozen. Sapp's Grocery. Lucian Keir returned home this morning to Independence after sev-ereal weeks visit here with his uncle and aunt, Dr and Mrs.
Bradbury. Base ball Thursday, July 2 The Sterling city team against the Lyons city team at League park. Admission 15 cents. called at 6:15. Will Richards and two of his clerks' were up from Hutchinson Sunday and spept the day visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Richards. Mrs.
Ed Hubbard went to Wichita this morning to spend the day. Mr. Hubbard met her in Hutchinson and accompanied her to Wichita. Mrs. Clarence Middlekauf came in last night from Enid, Oklahoma, to visit her husband's parents, Mr.
'and Mrs. A. V. Middlekauf. Mrs.
Joe Elble and daughter Vergie left last evening for a couple of months visit with friends and relatives at Montrose, Colorado. Mrs. Dorflinger and daughter returned to their home in Soloman this morning after several days visit with Mrs. D. Eisenhauer.
Miss Bertha Dack returned this morning from an extended visit at JTtonT Mrs. Newman Martin and children returned this morning from their visit with Mr, and' Mrs. James Lansing at Chase. Mrs. Ray Middlekauf left yesterday for a three weeks visit at Hutchinson, Topeka, Yates Center and other points east Mrs.
0. R. Cline came in this morning from Chase to be at the side of her sister, Miss Abbey Ernst, who is quite-sick. Mrs. L.
Perkins returned to her home in Ellinwood last eveving after assisting Mrs. Abel Burley in cooking Miss Mable Hubbard came over from Mitchell last evening for a few days visit with Miss Ethel Hubbard. 1 X. Mr8, E' C- Suc nd daughter Mar jorle are expected to return from their trip to McPherson this evening. Isaac Schoonover is able to be out again but has no desire to run a foot race or anything of that sort Mr.
and Mrs. St John, who have been visiting Mrs. W. H. Kirk, return-home to Hutchinson yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank St John of Hutchinson are here visiting Mrs, Nancy St. John and Mrs. Kirk.
aw ft In nit ALCOHOL 3 PER r.EUT AVcgetableEreparationforAs-similatingtheFooianilRcguia-ling Uie andBcweisof PromotesDigestfonhmfur nessandRestXontalnsneMn- Opiuni.Morphiiifi nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. JbtyxoflSilkSMXLPIICBEa Pumpkb JkchcKeSte- jtrjseScii fi.vtrriif- BihitiMLUt Km ClaateiSumr-HatafrmTina: AnerfectRemedv forConsflpfr tlon Sour Stomach.DlarrtaJ ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile 'signature of fuE Centaur Compass NEW YOKri. Exact Copy of Wrapper.
George E. Purdy spent the day at Sterling on a real estate deal. E. E. Monroe made a business trip to Sterling this morning.
E. J. Hickman of Wellington is visiting friends in Lyons. Frank Frey returned last evening from his visit at Hillsboro. Mrs.
J. A. Blair is again confined to her bed. From Tuesday's Daily. Miss Bertha Isola Ellison of Kansas City is here directing the preparation of The National Troubadours, an operetta to be put on by the Rebekahs lodge July 9 and 10.
Complete program and announcement will be published, in a few days. Meanwhile the Rebekahs are busy as bees getting their parts learned and staged. "The Lion and the Mouse" Charles Klein's great American drama was enjoyed by all who saw it at the Odeon last night. "The Lion and the Mouse" on the screen, though voiceless, comes closer to us and the reality of it is far more impressive than any stage set ting could make it. City Marshal Laritow probably thot he had a whole thunderstorm in his ear last night.
He was standing over in front of the Odeon when a big bug flew in his ear and decided to spend the night there, which it did, refusing to be moved until this morning. Tom Beech was giving our city some compliments yesterday. He says it is the liveliest town in the state considering the size. Also that the people are the most sociable bunch he had seen in a long time. Beech is seriously contemplating moving here.
Mr. and Mrs Thompson of Grand Forks. N. and Miss Edith Mc- Leod of Lincoln, who were Kere to visit and to attend the recent Taylor- Harris wedding, left today for Salina, where they will visit with Mr. Harris before going on home.
News force running today on one cylinder, and even that is missing fire half the time. The editor is still under the weather and this morning Lawrence Nichols is sick enough to have to go to bed. Ethel, Doris, Leonard and Lois Hub bard accompanied their cousin, Miss Mabel Hubbard, to her home at Mit chell this morning and will spend the rest of the week visiting at that place. Mrs. Clyde Bell and two children re turned home to Topeka this morning after a two weeks visit with her par ents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Diskey, and Mr. and Aaron Bell.
R. R. Scribner of the Progressive Oil company, just locating here, pur chased himself a new Ford touring car vatrdav from Tavlor Sons Lumber Implement Co. Mr. and Mrs.
Ormond McCall arrived last'' evening from Richmond, Kansas and will begin housekeeping in the Ralston home. Mr. McCall is a mechanic at the Taylor garage. Mrs. Poerson of Woodward, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
B. P. Meyers, Mrs. Omer Lennen and Mrs. Lester Six, is reported as being on the sick list count of the warm weather the meet ing will be held on the lawn 7,:30, instead of the usual hour.
Fred Schmidt and daughter, Romiger and niece Miss Helen who have been visiting friends and relatives here and at Bushton returned to their home at Topeka this morning. Mrs. Mildred White left Saturlay evening for her home at Frizell, Kansas, after a few days visit with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Irwin.
Her sister Florence accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Dean and daughter, Mrs. R. H. Benedict and daughter Helen motored to Hutchinson Sunday and spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs.
S. G. Puterbaugh. J. A.
Waters went to Plains, yesterday to assist Ed, Hubbard in the of the buildings he is putting up for Henry Reiss at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Sicklebower left for Halstead, Sunday where they will visit until Mr. Sicklebower recovers from the injuries he received in the harvest field.
Ormand McCall, a mechanic at Taylor's garage, is expected to arrive tonight with ihs bride. The young couple will live in the Ralston house. E. E. Monroe invested in a new Ford auto Saturday, and will put on all kinds of style, riding on Lyons' beautiful avenues and boulevards.
Frank Taylor, who was here from St. Louis to attend the wedding of his brother and visiting the home folks returned yesterday. Clifford McKnight came in last evening from McPherson and will spend a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Rhoads. Mrs. Frankie Fisher went to Nick-erson Sunday and spent the day visiting Mrs. Reed, who conducts a milliner shop at that place.
W. C. Workman and family spent Sunday visiting at the home of W. H. Hunter and other places in the northeast part of the county.
1 Miss Helen Deeds went to Windom thic morning to keep house for her brother, Ed Deeds while Mrs. Deeds is visiting in Ohio. Mrs." J. F. Irwin left this morning for a couple of months, visit at Ebens-burg, Pittsburg, and other points in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. B. L. Wolfe and children left yesterday for Jewell City, called there by the serious illness of her father, J. M.
Gabe. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Morris and children spent Sunday visiting at the country home of MrT and Mrs. Roy Doran.
Mrs. L. E. Vermillion and son and daughter, Paul and Mary, returned this morning from their visit in Great Bend. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Welsh, Miss Fae Welsh and Mr. Johnson motored down to Hutchinson yesterday. Mrs. George Noble and two child ren went to Mitchell yesterday and spent the day visiting friends.
Tom Beech left this morning for Salina after visiting a week with his brother, Henry. Leslie Noble began working at Crawford Monroe's furniture store this morning. Chester Cramm was down from Bushton visiting over Sunday with home folks. M. P.
Miller of Hutchinson is here today on insurance business and visit ing friends. Phil Brinckerhoff of Kansas City is in Lyons hobnobbing with all his old pals. 0.p. Brown and wife motored to Hutchinson yesterday and spent the day. R.
J. Kelley was down from Ellsworth visiting home folks over San-day. Miss Bertha Kropf of Little River was visiting in Lyons this morning. Martin Grimes, is up from Hut chinson visiting friends a Lyons. at Little River this morning.
Frank Frey went to Hillsboro this morning for a few days visit. Walter Sledd was over from Ster ling yesterday on business. Mrs. Drury of route one was shopping in town this Mrs. Mike Miller was in town shopping this morning.
From Monday's Dally. Hugh P. Farrelly, candidate for senator on the Democratic ticket, came up from Sterling with friends from that vicinity Saturday and circulated among Rice county voters he found in town Saturday. Mr. Farrelly had the majority of the votes for the office two years ago, but as will be remembered was let out by the technicality that the nominee must hare the plurality of the legislative districts.
This year it is a straight race, and whoever has the plurality of votes will be the nominee Mr. Farrelly's chances are as good as any one else's in that respect. Judge Nelson Case of Oswego was in the county Saturday meeting the voters as far as possible in the limited time. Judge Nelson, who has long been, identified with Kansas history, is in the race for justice of the supreme court and stands a good show. The judicial ticket this year for the first time will be non-political, so that party scraps, party enmities or considerations have no effect on the candidate trying to stand on his merits alone.
Mrs. George Noble is expecting her sister, Mrs. Susie Baker and two children to arrive Wednesday from Kansas City for a visit in Lyons. Ralph Steiner and Wyant Dinsmore left last evening for a few days vacation, visiting at Ellsworth and other points. Mr.
and Mrs. Newton Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cramer and Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Ely motored down fro.A Jewell City Sunday and spent the day visiting the Freys at the Palace hotel. Miss Sophia Frey, who has been visiting at Jewe City, accompanied.