The Salina Journal from Salina, Kansas (2024)

I I 10 Hints from Heloise 1976 '6z It stores like a new pool By Heloise Cruse Dear Heloise: Last year when I was ready to store my kids' small plastic swimming pool at the end of the season, I wanted it to be especially clean. So I just squeezed all the air out, closed up the valves and washed it in my washing machine. I added 2 bath towels and a little bleach and pulled it out before the spin, and bung it out. I rinsed it off with the hose while it was on the line and let it drip dry. Guess what? No more gook and it stored like a nice, clean new pool! I don't see why this wouldn't work for all those little air-filled swim rings and floats we use at the beach off and on all Summer.

Thanks for all your great ideas. With 7 kids I sure can use all the help I can get! Midge Mitchell Dear Heloise: This may fall into your Letter of Laughter category, but it really works for In trying to lose weight, 1 find it truly helps to leave my dentures in the bathroom while I'm cleaning up and putting food away after dinner. Gwen Shoemaker Dear Heloise: When cleaning a bunch of storebought radishes, 1 always cut off the. roots while the bunch is still tied up. It's so fast! I'm always surprised when I see someone do each one the hard way.

I also cut the stems off the same way tied up. Takes only a minute. Leota Hopson. When threading your sewing maF diNe Mr. and Mrs.

William Vering jr. (Eleanor Gilbert) Gilbert-Vering The Rev. Wayne Flanders, Clay Center, received the marriage vows of Eleanor Gilbert and Willian Vering both of Concordia, June 26 at the Hayes Methodist Church, Clay Center. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Gilbert. Green, and Mr. and Mrs. William Vering. 305 S.

5th. Musicians: Mrs. Ervin Taddiken, Mrs. Gary Gilbert and Deb Andrews. Sheer polyester and Rochelle lace composed the bride's chapel train gown.

A Juliet cap held her mantillatype illusion veil. edged with lace. Attending the couple were Virginia Coupal, Manhattan, and Mike Farmer, Concordia. Other attendants: Mary Farmer and Brenda Cottrell, both of Concordia: Shannon Collin, Salina; Greg Gilbert and Ronald Gilbert, both of Morganville, and Ellis Dunstan, Mankato. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Crawford, uncle and aunt of the bride, assisted at the church reception. The bride works at J. M. McDonalds.

Her husband works for White's Softwater Service. The newlyweds will be at home at 504 Elm, Jamestown, after an Indiana wedding trip. chine, I have found it much easier to get 'hold' of the thread by simply putting the pressure foot in the down position. This gives more room to get your fingers "at" that ornery thread. An Old "Sew and Sev;" Dear Heloise: Use pipe cleaners instead of rubber bands on little girl's pony tails.

Pipe cleaners come in all colors. Best of all, they do not hurt when removed from the child's hair and can be used over and over. Mrs. H. Calley Dear Heloise: When fixing tuna for salad or sandwiches, use cottage cheese instead of mayonnaise.

Fewer calories and more nutritious. Also, shredded carrots stretch the servings and add vitamins. Margaret F. Olha Dear Heloise: We have a lot of paneling in a house we bought, and the nails had never been driven in and the nail holes filled. So friend husband took a small punch and drove the nails in a little.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rotman (Darlene Tibbits) Tibbits-Rotman Salinans Darlene Tibbits and Terry Rotman exchanged marriage VOWS June 19 at the Hurich Memorial Wesleyan Church. The Rev. Wendell Rovensline officiated.

The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Bernie Crist, 115 Baker, and Riley Tibbits, Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rotman, 1416 Sunrise, are her husband's parents.

Musicians: Julie, Becky and Cindy Kirn, Minneapolis; Sam Johnson and Brad Beckman, both of Oakley. The bride's gown, made of sheerganza dotted Swiss and re-embroidered lace, was complemented by a mantillatype veil. Her attendants were Tammy Van Lear, Overland Park, maid of honor, and Ronda Lott, Minneapolis, bridesmaid. Best man and groomsman: Mike Brown, Harlan, Iowa, the bridegroom's brother-in-law, and Jim Templer, Salina. Other attendants: Art Crocker, Salina, and Steve Aksamit, Bennington.

Mr. and Mrs. Rothfuss, Barties. ville, assisted with the reception at the Crist home. Mrs.

Rotman, a graduate of Minneapolis high school, attended Kansas State university, Manhattan. Next Fall she plans to attend the Asbury hospital school of nursing. The bride currently is working at Windsor Estates nursing home. The groom was graduated from Hope high school and served in the U. S.

Navy. He works for School Specialty Supply, Inc. Following a wedding trip to Illinois the newlyweds are at home at 437 Putnam. Club calendar TUESDAY Eagles lodge, 8 pm, Aerie home WEDNESDAY Magdala temple 137, Daughters of the Nile, 6 pm salad supper and initiation, Masonic temple. Past-presidents of the Eagles auxiliary, 7:30 pm, Aerie home.

Salina Composite squadron of Civil Air Patrol. 7 pm, Rapid Air Service, Salina Municipal airport. New mernbers welcome. Jolly Mixers, 9 pm, IOOF Recreation center, 411 E. Walnut.

8 of you With daily penalty Federal FSLIC a can 7.79%. for on an cel! deposit earn 104 ors Office caios Homestead of effective convenient SAVINGS East ro: and to $1.000 a Iron drive- annual or compounded LOAN carly more. yield window -teres: I bought some plaster to match the shades in the panelling and filled the holes, but to get the stuff off left around the filled hole was a different thing. I tried everything I could think of and nothing worked. Finally came the thought, good old nylon net I took a net scrubber that I keep in the kitchen and went at it.

It worked like a charm. When I stopped for lunch, I washed the scrubber out and by the time I was ready to go back to work, it was dry. Mrs. Viggo Laugesen of the Salina Soroptiminclude, from left, Mrs. Scribner, 834 S.

5th; Frank, 2020 Quincy Court; Tula Webb, 669 S. 10th, and How can $192,000 research on drunk fish, rats help people? Head rats? How could it help people? No Drunk Fish In S.C. Dear N.D.F.: When one considers the total budget is in excess of $400 bil- lion, $192,000 isn't much to spend on a research project for alcoholics, ularly when one considers that alcoholism is now epidemic in this country. (It is also a serious public health problem in France and Italy.) Scientists must experiment on animals and fish before they apply the principles to human beings. Dear Ann Landers: I've never written to a column such as yours, but that letter from the secretary who was desperate to increase the size of her breasts really got to me.

I have always been small-busted and know how self-conscious and inadequate it can make a woman feel. It only takes one lousy, insensitive jackass to give a woman like me an inferiority complex forever. Just last week a supposedly sophisticated man-about-town told me to put some calamine lotion on them and they would be gone by morning. I was so humiliated and hurt I almost bawled. What I had hoped would be a delightful weekend at the gentleman's Summer home turned out to be a miserable flop.

I hope you'll print this letter so the men out there will realize there are certain things you just don't kid about. Crushed In Cincinnati Dear A pox on both his houses the cad! Put this column in the mail. Maybe he'll learn something. Dear Ann Landers: I'm an animal control officer, better known as a "dog catcher." I can't recall that you have ever said a kind word about us although you have taken up the fight for nearly every other segment of society. There are times when I believe we are the most despised of all working people.

The average citizen has no use for us but it's OK to ask us to crawl under a porch and drag out a skunk or travel miles in the wilderness to get horses back into the pasture. We get calls at all hours to get a cat out of a tree or put a dog to sleep when he has been seriously injured. Then there are the calls a monkey is loose, a pink elephant was seen on Main Street, the Loch Ness monster is in town. We must respond to every call, no matter how screwy. So please, Ann, say a good word for the dog catcher.

He catches a lot of hell along with the dogs, but very few kind words come his way. From Missouri (Sometimes Pronounced Dear Misery: Your job certainly entails requests I never dreamed of. I They are at home in Longmont. appreciation. is the word for our special "Overstock Sale" THIS IS INVENTORY WEEK AND WE DON'T WANT TO COUNTI COME FOR THE "Terrific Bargains" REDUCED UP TO PRICE PRICE off REG.


MOVING SALE Help us move to the new Park East Mall on Aug. 1st. We've put many Needlepoint Designs and Kits, all of our Patchwork Kits, and Denim Vests and Jackets on sale, just so we don't have to move them to our New Location. Our Back Door Gallery now has new Creative Glass by Corning, Sea Salt Pepper Mills, Sea Salt Crystals Sparkles. Come in and see our Bicentennial Tapestry designs available only at, needlepoint shop Open 804 E.

Crawford 823-6992 A Salina represented Three members of Salina Credit -International attended the 64th annual international consumer credit conference in Dallas. They are Mrs. Jack McCabe, delegate; Mrs. Calvin Trow, local president, and Mrs. William F.

Grosser jr. Mrs. E. Maurine Watson, San Jose, was installed as CWI president, Featured speakers were Dr. C.

Jackson Grayson, of Southern Methodist university, Dallas, who spoke on "The Future of the Free Enterprise Sysfern" and Dr. W. W. Rostow, from the University of Texas, Austin, who talked about "A National Economies Plan Good or group Officers ist club Harold Edna Mrs. Mrs.

Robert Just, lic. Not pictured: Williams, 420 nal Photo) 128 E. RepubMrs. Conley Officers installed By Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers: I read that the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism gave $102,000 of our hard-earned tax dollars to the University of California for Prof. Harman V.

Peeke to get fish drunk. I know that alcoholism is the country's No. 1 health problem and we need to do something about it. But fish? And after that research was underway they (NIAAA) granted another $90,000 to do research on rats. Why, when there are so many good reasons to give money to research on cancer, heart and kidney disease or 2 dozen other things I could name, did they waste $192,000 on drunk fish and Wedding Johnson-Gillam Judge and Mrs.

Waino Johnson, Fort Morgan, announce the marriage of their daughter, Lauri Ann, to Ronald Bradley Gillamn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gillam, Broomfield, June 12 in the garden of the bride's parents, The bridegroom is a grandson of Mrs. J. L.

Hardisty, 1013 Millwood. Officiating was the Rev. Jay Willey, Broomfield. Musicians: Joan Parker, the groom and Lisa Brunner, Broomfield. Matron of honor and maid of honor: Mrs.

Timothy Johnson, Akron, and Bethry Johnson, sister-in-law and sister of the bride. Bridesmaids: Amy Johnson, the bride's sister; Julie Sanders, Denver, and Marki Knight, Greeley, Colo. Junior bridesmaid: Marnie Johnson, another sister of the bride. Best man and groomsmen: Steven Gillam, Broomfield, and Jack Gillam, Salina, the bridegroom's brother and cousin; Brian Brownell, Hooper, Steven Foster, Broomfield, and Peter deFranco, Chicago, Ill. Junior groomsman: Jay Worley, Dallas, cousin of the groom.

Other attendants: Brian Worley, Dallas, and Timothy and Benjamin Johnson, the groom's cousin and brothers of the bride. A wedding supper followed in the garden. Mrs. Gillam, a 1976. graduate of Colorado State university, Fort Collins, works at the Westland bank, Longmont, Colo.

Her husband is working for IBM, Boulder, this Summer, and will be a senior this Fall at CSU. A Bicentennial program was featured at a Monday evening guest night dinner for the Salina Soroptimist club at the Salina Board of Trade lounge. Mrs. John Zimmerman presented early day music, and old pictures of Salina were shown by James Geisendorf. Guests were invited from McPherson, El Dorado, Hutchinson, Great Bend and Newton.

Elective officers installed are Mrs. Harold Scribner, president; Edna Frank, vice-president; Mrs. Conley Williams, recording secretary; Mrs. Tula Webb, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Robert Just, treasurer.

Also installed were Thelma Book, appointed parliamentarian, and directors: Mrs. Gaylord Spangler, 2 years, and Mrs. Harold Harper and Mrs. James McCullough, 1 year. Women Today In Our Town '41 graduates will gather Approximately 70 persons from 8 states are expected for the 35th-year reunion of the 1941 graduating class of Salina high school this weekend.

Represented will be Kansas, Arkansas, California, Ohio, Tennessee, Colorado, Missouri and Oklahoma. The 2-day activities will consist of a 7 pm open house Friday at the Cavalier club and registration at 6 pm and a 7 o'clock dinner, followed by a business session and dancing to the "Big all Saturday at the Cavalier Court. There also will be a Saturday evening memorial service for the 34 known deceased members of the group. There were about 265 persons in the class, according to Salinan Mrs. Robert Levin (Mary Cooper), secretary for the gathering.

The master-of-ceremonies is Dick Rosberg, Overland Park. Reservations still can be made through Wednesday by calling Mrs. Levin, 945 S. Santa Fe, 82-38091. John Chaltas, 1818 Lewis, is the reun- 4v Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel P. Bowersox (Linda L. Mason) Mason-Bowersox Linda L. Mason, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Donald E. Mason, Plainville, became the bride of Daniel P. Bowersox, Salina, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Bowersox, Concordia, June 19 at Plainville's Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. The couple's vows were received by the Rev. James Grennan, Plainville. Musicians were Karen Bassford, Salina, and Mrs. Norman Becker, also of Plainville.

The bride wore a gown of polyester organza and venise lace with a chapellength train. A lace cap held her nylon veil. Maid of honor: Janet Stahl, Omaha, Neb. Bridesmaids: Teresa Saylor, Osborne, and Irene Ritter, Topeka. Junior bridesmaid: Frances Mason, Plainville, the bride's sister.

Best man: Gary Naillieux, Valparaiso, Ind. Groomsmen: Rick Gutierrez, Lawrence, and Steve Bahan, Salina. Other attendants: Don Mason, Goodland, and. Mark Bowersox, Salina, brothers of the couple, and Evea Lutz. Assisting with the reception and dinner at the Knights of Columbus hall was James Kerns, Kansas City, the bride's uncle.

Mrs. Bowersox, a graduate of Plainville high school, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Marymount college. She works at St. John's hospital. Her husband was graduated from Sacred Heart high school and Marymount with a BS degree in sociology.

He is a self-employed painter. Following a wedding trip to the Missouri Ozarks the couple are at home in.

The Salina Journal from Salina, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.