The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

'ci ra CUZID HAY tnZl parteS3t, waa tnartel taw; la a aarioui cesl'sa Wednesday Lar ia. ato ma cut ctu Mm f1)tl by kit naSr. IS KUabtth Clark, lt21 OrUSi, g-peaxad Tfednaadsr la) tha court af Bow Colotabo HolpK. To Throv Off Dc rrrr. cz a Tia rcar cri tr ga wcr prtar ta their court ELAST Ef JT3 HAN.

Edward of 111 Lydia, an employt of bta llunlci- pal Garage, waa treated at 1 p.m. Wednesday at tha City Hospital for a cut on the arm inflicted by fragment of metal when a gas lank he was welding 'at the garage exploded. After being treated he was able to return to duty. Officials at the garage aaid. they did not know what caused the kink to explode.

CeeoasL Cakaata tra Cr" i Circuit Jtktsa utM Isbbatd wher lira. Clark bad lastitutod civil action against tha Prudential Ufa Insurance Company col lect 9oo on her son policy. The action waa dismlaaed. Mr. Clark left home fifteen yean go and did- not write to his mother during that time.

When tha suit waa filed two months ago an investigation instituted by the insurance company through Sam- 33 LouitvilU'a Dlj Independent Furnlhire StereC Cash Or Rett' $onabtt Terms Th Mir Qwkr producta, kdrkJ WMhlaf machlna and Irorni. wr Introduced Wadnat- day at Tba Kentucky at tha an-aual iMctlng of approximately 150 Croalay 4ealera from Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Tha Cooper-Louiaville Com pany, distributor! or troaicy products in this territory, were hosts at the meeting and at tha banquet which concluded tha sessions. In addition to the new prod uct, four new 19.VI Croaley radio) models and tha Improved refrig erators were exhibited and demonstrated. Introducing C.

H. Carey, Cin cinnati. Crosley district sales manager. J. F- Johnson, president of the Louisville distributing com- pjny, predicted that the new products would materially in crease tne dealer volume or ktiint lie aA that he ei- scribed as bring the -best year since of wasnini and ironer amtl an outline of sales PA11.

1IAVDIV. ahen the Catholic Theater! Guild UHitsvilte pre-nt ijjctj 1936 to le a more prosper-Mrcond pby of the season, "Seven yfar than which he de- af3ana bare found tn oat valuable aid tn tha of colas. They teJka one or two tab-Seta the first nM and repeai Cba laird or fifth nM If needed. Cow do Oslotaba bate Natore throw off a aoMT Ftrat. CeJoiaaa ia one of the moat thorough and da- trrmlaMt of aJI tateatlnal eJisntaaota.

thaaf cJaonauw the InlaeUnat traot the Human, Needi Thietigh Ho ci a we Hearts eaMSaVJaaaassaaava Give generously to the Cora- muniry Chest I 9x12 AtnwhistT As It's On Stylish, Brand-New Merchandise, Mostly One Suite and Orb Piece Of a Kind plans. S. J. Rapier. Ix)uisvllle.

sented the new radio and refrig- "iterator lme. Ket to Bjldpale." Paul who has appeared in numerous Guild productHns. will appear as The ulav will be presented at Columbia Mill on Sund Thur-nisy nights. January 23. Fred J.

Kai-em is director. A special box-offiea hai been set up at the lHstal Telegraph desk at The Seelbach. is building, or has built, twenty new mineswreping trawlers of a radical design. ftancUeaa Delay Dtacvsaed. ksaeya.

uaswiuy ta ef ooti iXMat Irs tS OvJotaU nrea Cm a of eolda. OsJotaba oniy tveaty-flve narJtaae. tan fatt package Adv. MORE BARGAIN! we prepare for the mrz, springr season. literally hud-1 I- mmm.

a bargain feast, with the additional savins; of ixi 0 kiAa a Ma MV WblWa IUM sac 5 it 41 Paris. Jan. 15 A move person that makes, sella or II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ii II ii ll ii ll ll Jimmie Vtco Dear Your sales tax plan's O. K. But you're bearing down in another way.

An auto license la 'what I need; at walking I just cant make speed. And Christmas bills they left roe flat Cant you see, dear where I am at? No Soles Tax An additional uv nc of on everythlnf you buy. 1 1 i and Valrat valaea startle. In most instances, one only each pattern; Answers to Today Ask Me Another A legendary bird big enough to carry off men and large ani mals. 3 Turning capstans shoots bows.

Pti of the head and some the feet of hogs, with seasonings. screech. Creosote. Menthol. Cod Liver Extract, Wild CHerry and Hypophot-phite KLAD A Fine Tank Cough Remedy lbene WAbaafe MIS ci DnnnETT DENTIST 421 8.

reartk 8U leeea 4 1 akw KrM a IS CM Star omca noma ee at a sst mh mt. tmmtt. Thanaav mt BaUrSsf nl4 tat av MyliaaUIlaanWyfea- re rst TeMt'? 1 UIUULU.K nrkaeaiBavtrU4aneM njaaiw CSIm tvlta hmt It It Mirk aM etK .1 laatrMirsia ai r-- ata prim pt. 1 Willie pi III hi -ys JH car HID DAT fcMANJff MOTORIST ARRESTED. Henry A.

Meyer, 48, of 200 S. 39th, was arrested on charges of drunkenness In a public place and reckless driving at f.13 p.m. Wednesday after his' automobile plowed through the railroad safety gates across Market at 14th, A train had Just cleared the crossing. 9 Levy Brot Beauty Shop SPECIALSI Levy Bros' fast-growing Beauty Shop is offering this month a group of unusual specials on beauty work. Call JAckson 3161 for an appointment.

Our Regular $5M CroquignoU or Spirit rifling nts With Shampoo Finger If'av Eleetrie raelal With Arch $1 Sbamaoo and Wave tVlth Toale Rab Finger 75c Oil Bealp Treataaent Caaapleto for 4 1 Our Staff Include! aarak Baarrtiaa. Mar. OMnu jk aaa -tlWaa BiaaUa LWia awita HUtr Bake Braaiav MftHw FHMMctM LEVY BROS Beauty Shop Market At 34 Bads, at low it $1.95 at low at $1.95 Ntw Mittrtu Studio Couches, $14 Used, but have) many months' useful aervice left. UNITED i Tridln Dept. In atoejaraea Clara 4 Oaart tYatt af 'V Er.ilro Crjt.v.:m Frtr.i 1 1.

Ron, Jk 1 An IWHn cwnnwtnlqie report "figMing continues along the entlra front la Southern ItWopia today. It Mid the tm? ef Orv Rmiolfo CfMuknl b4 driven away an -KihRirian armjr mawing for en A communique from Marshal ritr Rednglta, high commander the African armies, said: "Ethiopian fvKct under Has XVsu -rf drawing up foe several dav along the Oanale Dorjra, Dawa aryl rtma Rivers tot a drive vn our Somali land front tn Dolo region. "On January 12. Graiiant began a action against Rs Dcsta'a troop. "Tha Ethiopians mere repulsed and pursued.

TghUng continues along the entire front Our losses so far have not been serious. "There intense aerial activity along tha Eritrean front." Brttaia to Taa Hark Seat Lond.m. Jan. 13 The Uh Instructed Anthony Eden. Foreign Secretary, today to support but not to initiate any moves 'for oit and other new sanctions against Italy at meeting of the League of Nations Council Monday.

It was reported the British navy CtLEAD HEAT HUMIDIFYING GUARDS Far flat Air Feraace kegfaiters 1 frauct Walli a) 2- Prarect Draoes S-Sava Fuel 4 Circulate Air 5 Halo Pre Net Yeu From Winter Colds PRICE $2.00 "VEL.1- Otaer Staea Made to Order NataraJ Craio Walaat Halah SOLD BT ALL DCALEKS MFC CO. New Location 1114-16 lardstawn Road lAir 07M UNIVERSAL raias Pick-Up and Delivery Servict on th anf an mrrungtmmnt for SHIPPING C.O.D. Bffaetlse Jaattary 1114, taa LAN. wUI parferei (Mva4, cAe mtmm Img ukmllf ndr Kantweky SMteaafaM rales) free pfakHtp aad aatteery aeevlae en Uaa car-torn otrhaa4lae sklyataats al ail a4ata mm Ha ralM. aod free plek-ep ar rrea aUtry an amtpm aaaaas aaarlag ketwaea patois ao Ha rails aad palate an raile af ataer rallraads rcgardlaaa af COH.

sarvUe as aise Inaaga- Tfief a er the Outstanding Footurof of this Modorn, Convenbnt Flsn Plck-op aad JalUery within corporate 11ml ta af city or tawm. IN Until at ta tUsUaea syanaaet aaavas. 1 Aapllea an practlcaUy 3 artUlea al laaa Ifria cnt toad merckanaUae fralet 4. Tha railraad reipaaml-tla for ahipaaantf fyaen door ta dear. f.

COD. aerrica at Btml-nal charge. a Ask yeur nearest I eV. MT. fraight raoraaenUrtiire this emnplete, cnvaalet, eaped.aue aad ea-oratitaiad rail and trvek aerviea.

LcoisvaisO a n.n. A Scnu*ticn, All 9 Pieces At Leas Than the rrtee af rteeea enfW CrCwsaXaJtiTasry: A atrikia new dealra tziU with a lot style and life and sparklbj triple rrrora. Also Coinet Vith ChiJfcr) fcr Here Is a suite that looks you get all 9 pieces, not month. 7T 5 9-Pe. 6 avoid discussion ot an oil embargo itfiin ItaW at the Leaue of Na- r.J;t was reprea jonini ia nave urrn discused oy I'remier fierre uivai 'of France and Dr.

Augusto Vas- ironcellos of Portugal, chairman 01 ithe League Committee of Eighteen jTliey weie said in reliable quar ters to have talked over the possi bility of postimning sy meeting of the committee. Anagram Puzzles RULES: How is your vocabulary? Tliere's no better or more fascinating ay to improve it than by solving these anagrams each day. Rearrange the letters in the word given, plus the additional letter given, ao as to form another word. Example: SEAL plus equals Answer: LEASE. Can you solve the following anagrams? 1.

THROE plus equals 2. ERASER plus equals 3. COINERS plus A equals 4. RANTER plus A equals 5. LEARN plus equals Solutions to today's anagrams will be printed tomorrow.

Hera are the solutions to yesterday's anagrams: 1. INTERPOSE. 2. DIGNITARY. 3.


(Coprrttht IS fJeeee fat hHck- an On range, kitchen eablnat, braakaaf t. piectt knivet, tsrka, ti I mm 1 ii i 1 ,45 Pi 1 39 Save $10 On Cat Ranee Get it wiUl regllUtor for 49. a new style 1936, beautiful gaa range. good at $100. Remember 8, and on terms of $5 per JV 4 i a ii Living Rcsm Outfit 5Q05 Dc Luitc Tvo tjf tf 2vl 5 I Uur C-Pc.

Dcdrccni CLEAN-UP We apent two wVeka gettingr this fine used rood in good shape to sell, and it ia, we believe, the finest lot of used furniture in LouUville. Or4ar yoara tih. tt im in. taraa aavra ani ConI.U llvtna-raem awtnt. In- a l-ptc la laaaalrr ana tha (ollowina pic.

aaaiirata. wttUMil laNa. taala Uaia. luaior toaa acca.ianal caaur. o4 taala.

ataaaitna aa.a.t. I arai aiankata. net rati an wa-tra aaa atarO aatl aavtaa ail tar aw 17 Occasional Chairs $3.05 Up Rooms for Houscttccping Regular Price On This Fina k.i 1 s220 Outfit for $159 Includes Simmons Ceal Srinj ix' are m-ple chairs low Om 305 u. Only! These the a sold aa a Vt Price at tfcla aavtna la aavtn. aalta ar Bf raatlartar.

awra raaa i Fumitura Is $220 prtej Mxftrcu ntn a f- 51 We held It until now ao you would hava OilCI liX to pay, aavinjf you an additional 3'i 2 Piece Living-Roam Suites Living-Ream Suites That New Art $75 far SI Wm Piaca $4rm Suites Miitm Suite That Are $79 New Fine samel accaalanal chairs. Rebuilt Heovera Thep( tures tfcbT inner 1 av ak SV Varaj'ar il i3 -t 6 only, re built genuine Hoover vacuum cleaners. CuaraateaJ Mcevcf Rcsllt 1 C10.C5 Up $12.05 Up IJaad kltaheai aaW These have bean tierocrly reconditioned, s4 tn ilsa ci ttti pristv Va'annw rtWf avaT.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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As part of your subscription, you can view your newspaper online at

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How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-866-2211 or chat online here.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Louisville Courier-Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in The Courier-Journal Louisville starts at $94.00.

What is the main newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky? ›

The Courier-Journal, morning daily newspaper published in Louisville, Kentucky, long recognized as one of the outstanding regional newspapers of the United States.

How do I read journals online? ›

Anatomy of a Journal Article
  1. Title: The title of the article. ...
  2. Journal Name: Tells you which journal published the article; also provides insight into the discipline/field of study.
  3. Authors and Affiliations: Tells you who wrote the article and with what organization or university they are affiliated.

How many people read the courier mail? ›

From September 2021 to September 2022 in Queensland in Australia, the leading news brand was the Courier Mail with an audience of approximately 1.9 million readers. The other most popular sources were the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian with an audience of 1.28 and 0.98 million readers respectively.

How much is the courier newspaper? ›

6 issues per week. *Save 50% off the first 3 months is available for UK delivery when paying by Direct Debit. Only £74.74 for the first 3 months, then £149.50 every 3 months thereafter. One year minimum term.

How much is the Sunday Courier Journal? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Wednesday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Louisville Courier-Journal subscription offer.

How do I get a daily paper delivered? ›

We have a nationwide network of delivery agents that deliver your subscription direct to your door. You select the start date and agent, and your newspaper will be delivered to your home. Your subscription cost includes the agent's delivery charge so you will not be billed by the agent, we take care of that.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

Someone, a writer like you, is both performing a valuable public service by honoring the deceased with a well-written commemoration, and making a living by getting paid for their writing service, year after year.

How do I find old obituaries in Kentucky? ›

Tips for Searching for Kentucky Obituaries
  1. Use Online Sources for Recent Death Notices. ...
  2. Consult with Reference Librarians. ...
  3. Contact the Funeral Home. ...
  4. Use the Family Search Website for Free Lookups. ...
  5. Consult Unusual Sources: Organizational Archives and Publications. ...
  6. Take Advantage of Free Obituary Lookups as a Source.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How do I contact the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

Courier Journal & Times
  1. 525 W Broadway. Louisville, KY 40202. Civic Center, Downtown.
  2. (800) 866-2211.

Where is the Louisville Courier Journal printed today? ›

That legacy ended Sunday night when the newspaper's printing presses made their last run before falling permanently silent. The Courier Journal will now be printed and trucked in from Indianapolis.

What is the circulation of the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

Courier Journal
The July 27, 2005 front page of The Courier-Journal
TypeDaily newspaper
Headquarters525 West Broadway Louisville, Kentucky 40201 United States
Circulation29,818 daily 40,898 Sunday (as of Q3 2022)
6 more rows

How to read WSJ articles online? ›

Articles will be listed by date in a database. We recommend going to the WSJ website ( first to identify which articles you would like to read in full. The public version of the WSJ website allows you to view news headlines and a brief description of all articles, without requiring an online subscription.

How to read paper online? ›

You can either explore your local library's website or pay a visit in person to inquire about the newspapers they offer online access to. Most newspapers provide a selection of articles for free on their official websites.

What is the circulation of the courier journal? ›

Read by over 400,000 adults every weekday and nearly 600,000 each Sunday, The Courier-Journal delivers exceptional reach of every type of audience segment. On the digital front,, is Kentucky's number one local media site.

Who owns the Courier Journal newspaper? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.