5 PART TWO FRmAY fgjjg XU OWCXXt Wald Under $1,000 no actual political tinge to the fore the primary became an issue, affair and stated the Walds and The disposition of the case was county officers were at odds be-1 agreed on. CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED Bond In Threat Case Meeting Opens At Camp Kavanaugh Methodists Hold Afternoon, Night Services Through August 18. Camp Kavanaugh, Methodist, William H. Wald, 48, proprietor of Norwood Inn, Shelbyville Rd. and Norwood Station, was placed under $1,000 peace bond Thurs 1 1 Make a tuna feToday the Rev.
Norman M. Lovein, Columbus, at the camp for the fourth season, conducting the niglit services. Fifteen-minute devotions are held each morning at 8. The Asbury College Male Quartette is singing at each service, and the Rev. T.
W. Beeler, Mt. Olivet, is serving as platform manager and song director. The Rev. tr.
James Thomas, Cincinnati, will preach Sunday afternoon, and the Rev. Dr. E. Arnold Clegg, Indianapolis, wilTpreach at the afternoon service, August 18. PLAN HOME-COMING.
Members of the Henry County liome-coming Association, which is planning a picnic at Fontaine Perry will meet at 8 p.m. Friday at The Kentucky to discuss Dlans for thi affair. located at Crestwood, one mile' east of Pewee Valley, Thursday opened its sixtieth annual camp meeting, to continue through Au-tust 18. Afternoon services at 2:30 and night services at 7:30 are to be held each day, with Southern Methodist pastors from the Louisville and Shelbyville districts preaching in the afternoons, and day by Acting County Judge Al M. Marret, who heard testimony on a charge that Wald had made threats against County Patrolman Lee Hite.
Wald was arrested recently by Chief of County Police Charles K. Osborn. Shortly before that, his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Wald, had filed suit seeking to enjoin county police from interfering with the Wald's business because of their support of Thomas S. Rhea's candidacy.
County Attorney Lawrence yZLtL1 sl. A C. Sale, branch manager, awarding prize check to Miss Hattie Tinsley. i Friday's Fish Day and I Your Favorite's Here Grauman told the court there was Winners of four prizes of $25 each for the first week's award in Fresh Air Fund Previously acknowl- edged $1,893.39 ffU An ideal summer Jl food not hot, not-heating, but just the thing for dinner on a hot day. ITTT And note how well Hil the Blue Boar FRESH AIR FUND PASSES $2,000 Anonymous Contribution Gives $121 to Aid Needy Children.
Recording an increase in contributions from several individu the True Experience Contest, conducted by Piggly Wiggly-Kroger stores, were: Mrs. Effie Bennett, 3208 Greenwood; Miss Hattie Tinsley, 2306 Brownsboro Road; Miss Anna Neilson, 4105 West Market, and Mrs. George Fraas, Lexington, Ky. Four prizes of $25 each will be awarded in Louisville and Lexington for nine weeks. At the end of the nine weeks, the judges will select the best letter from the Mrs.
Caldwell Norton Mrs. C. W. Young. Mrs.
John S.Douglas Angie V. West Mrs. Florence S. Watts A Friend of Children Betty and Billie Anonymous 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 121.00 Total thirty-six weekly prize-wmmng als and a generous donation from an anonymous person greatly interested in children's welfare, the Fresh Air Fund of The Courier- ROOSEVELT CALLED ISSUE, vard of $250 starved state rarK, b. C.
Sale, manager of the looks after you plenty variety, and broiled and baked. iTTT And the price is priced the Blue Boar way that's one of the reasons we always do capacity business regardless of the weather. Friday's 4 Specials At Nos. 1 and, 2 Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus 12c Fried Whitiriff, Tartar Sauce 9c New String Beans 4c Lemon Pudding 4c Journal and The Louisville Times Thursday jumped ahead of the last big obstacle, the Louisville Piggly Wiggly-Kroger Aug. 8 (UP) President Roosevelt tonight was designated by Senator Dickinson, Republican, Iowa, con- branch, has arranged to announce mark.
the contest rules and prize win The anonymous contribution, sistent New Deal critic, as the.ners through the company's regu "sole issue" of the 1936 lar advertisem*nts every week. which- came in the form of a summer Santa Claus to the struggling fund, assured twelve children of eleven-day vacations in the open air of the provided camps and there was enough left over to 1 I I I i 1 equip them with a couple of ice cream cones apiece. The fund has until August 20 to reach its goal of $2,200 and, with the help of a few individuals, clubs or orders, should have little trouble in acquiring this, the highest quota ever set. Approximately $160 is still to be TWO PARTNERS AS FAMOUS AS CHEESE AND CRACKERS! Tterb they come two' Perfect Partners that will make local motorists sit up and take notice, because they actually add new comfort and economy to motoring. They're as famous and as inseparable as cheese and crackers as Romeo and Juliet as Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson! raised.
The first of the 200 children are to leave for camp Monday. Keep Coo! and Comfortable In Our Those who wish to prevent any child from having to stay home are urged to send their contributions to the fund in care of The Watch the newspapers for the big announcement It will be of vital importance to you. Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times. HURT IN CRASH. Mrs.
Gladys B. Downs, 32, of I 4806 S. 6th, was under treatment Thursday night at the Norton Me morial Infirmary for a fractured verteora sutiered. at a.m. in an automobile accident near Corydon, Ind.
She was under the care of 29 6 Dr. W. Barnett Owen, Heyburn (Building. Mrs. Downs, a secre- jtary for the Commonwealth Life I us i Insurance Company, was return jing from Wyandotte Cave, in a car driven by Dr.
Louis Weber, medical director of the company, jwhen it collided with another car on State Road 62. flEO 1 935 SANFORIZED SHRUNK Woven stripes seersuckers Extra quality because they are tailored in our own factories Sold direct-to-you in our own stores! MILK RATIXG. Louisville has obtained a rating of 96.4 per cent on retail raw milk and 96.7 on pasteurized milk in the report of the United States Health Service. Dr. A.
T. Mc-l Cormack, State Health Commis- sioner, said Thursday in a letter PANTS SWEATERS ACKETS 5 Dr. Hugh Leavell, Director FORMERLY PRICED AT owoJtos 415 S. 4th Sr. 415 S.
4th St. I oi icieaitn. The city is on a list of eighty-, two towns reaching 90 per cent or more. McCormack said. INC? A faultlessly matched Diamond Bridal Set.
The Engagement Ring has 3 gorgeous diamonds! The Wedding Ring is set with 5 brilliant diamonds! Both in solid white or natural gold. An amazing bargain for Friday and Saturday onlyl No Money Down Pay Only A distinctly modern i solitaire in a neat mounting of solid white or natural 50c Weekly Wit 1 gold that she-llad-JIM 1 cold that she'll ad- mire, mi-- ill MT I weemyir No Money Down Pay Only 50c DIAMOND WEDDING RING 13-DIAMONDS 75 5)75 1 cc 00 The A QDCHG33 Lowest Price a ill! Seven brilliant diamonds in a solid white or natural gold Twelve smaller diamonds elaborately enhance f.ViA InrtrA ren this a wedding mounting, makes band of charm. ter diamond. Solid white or natural gold mounting. See it.
Money Down Pay Only v'irf." 75c Weekly, A No Down Payment Pay Only 25c Weekly Men's Famous "BENRUS" Ladies' "Baguette" WRIST WATCH 3 ill hi iianii ver ror a GRUNOW! Fins Small Carryine Chares New 1935 tailored model curved to fit the wrist. Small! Neat! Modern! New! and complete with a streamline bracelet. Here is a shockproof watch of fine quality on sale at only $9.95. The name "Benrus" is your guarantee of quality. A very beautifully designed Baguette Watch is the one we show above.
Any lady will appreciate its Imart-ness. With smart Link Bracelet to match. A watch that can be depended upon to keep time. 1 J'gger Burnett's White Satin, lemon juice, sugar, ice, soda, Thafs a REAL Tom JUL No Money Down Pay Only 50c Weekly No Money Down Pay Only 50c Weekly 'IN MAffe'E you NOW this brand-new 1935 Grunow electric refrigerator at a $20 saving! It has the largest cubic foot capacity of ANY refrigerator selling as low as And it has all the famous Grunow extra duality features that have swept Grunow to lt. rship everywhere! Save $20 NOW! NO MONEY DOWN! Just Think! Only a few cents a day makes it yours! ELECTRIC APPLIANCE STORE i taste Burnett's White Satin.
To en- joy the best, name your gin every, time. Two sizes: Fifths and Pints. Squart bottle London Dry Round be tie De Luxe Both Same Price "The Diamond Store of Louisville" i F.ouRTHiAyjuj.M.Um-qrCL-- 31 9 S. 4th St. At Both Stores-333 XL Market Local Diitribatort Fhillp Blnra Compsnr, lac Selected Kentucky Distillers, Breslia Baildiaf, Louisville, Kr..